1. To perform systematic assessment of NTP performance in operational districts and provinces focusing on quality of TB services and recording and reporting system
2. To provide recommendations, including an action plan for implementation, that can serve as a reference document to monitor and evaluate efforts to improve and maintain programme quality and performance over time.
3. To enable cross-learning, and serve as a data quality audit for NTP data
Method and activities:
1. Scheduled visits to provinces so that all provinces are eventually covered.
2. Visit at least 1 province every 2 months (monthly if possible), each visit for 4-5 working days
3. Form a team of 6-8 people, which can be further divided into two sub-teams
- CENAT representative(s), as team leader
- Provincial and OD TB supervisors of the site visited
- Provincial and OD TB supervisors from other sites
- NGO partners working at the site visited
- TB CARE representative
4. Prior to the visit
- CENAT selects ODs to be visited - 1 or 2 in bigger provinces. Preferably randomly selected, otherwise based on performance or programmatic needs
- Forms a team as proposed in point 3
- Informs the province and OD sites selected for the visit.
- Requests OD and provincial TB supervisor to collect registers and reports (specify exact documents based on information needed for completing the questionnaire) at one central place for review by the team
- Requests TB supervisors to inform health facilities within the selected ODs that their facility may be selected for the visits and for the focal person to be available
5. Within the province/OD scheduled for visit
6. Prepare report (using a standard format) for submission to CENAT – presentation during monthly meetings, follow up, and compilation for records.
Next Peer Review
From 23 to 27 July, 2012 we will perform peer review activity to Tbong Khmum OD, Kampong Cham